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With Filen Chats you can communicate completely privately, end-to-end encrypted, between Filen users.
Thanks to our client-side encryption, Filen chats are one of the only truly private communication methods.

How do I navigate in the Filen chats?

Navigate to the "Chats" tab in the left side column of your web drive and click on it.

Web Chats

Here you can now see that the right side of your web drive has opened the Chat menu.

At the top, a little further to the left under the title "Chats" you can see a search bar and an empty space below.
In the future, your chat overview will be displayed in the left column under the search bar, similar to common chat providers.
On the right side you will find your selected chat including the chat content and your chat input line.

How do I create a chat?

Press the plus icon in the top left column right next to the page title "Chats".
In the window that appears, you can select users from your contacts with whom you would like to start a chat.
To do this, select the plus sign next to your contact.

You can also search for contacts directly using the search bar.

As soon as you have started a chat, you will see your input bar at the bottom center of your drive.
On the right you can see the chat participants. The creator of the chat is indicated by a small crown.

How do I add participants to a chat / How do I chat in groups?

As soon as you have created a chat with a person, you will see a small plus icon next to the heading "Participants" on the right side of your open chat.
Here you can add as many other chat participants as you like from your contacts.

How do I remove chat participants?

Right-click a chat participant and click Remove.
You can find the participants in the far right column next to your open chat window.
You can also view the participants’ profiles here.

How do I change my display name?

Navigate to the “General” tab in your Web Drive’s general settings.
You open the general settings by clicking on your profile picture at the bottom left corner of your Drive.

Navigate to "Account" and click on edit to change your nickname.

How do I show myself permanently offline?

Navigate to the “Account” tab in your Web Drive’s general settings.
You open the general settings by clicking on your profile picture at bottom left of your Drive.

Now enable or disable the "Appear offline" option.

Appear Offline

How do I change the name of a chat/group?

Click on your chat partner's name in the top center of an open chat window.
A window will appear called "Edit Name".

How do I share data with other users in Chats?

Create a chat with another user and open it.

Click on the plus symbol at the bottom left of your chat input line.
Choose here whether you want to share a file directly from the cloud or from your computer.

This function enables encrypted sharing of data in groups.
Images can be embedded directly into the chat.