You can either use the SDK to login using your Filen credentials or provide a (stored) SDK config object.
import { FilenSDK } from "@filen/sdk"
import os from "os"
import path from "path"
const filen = new FilenSDK({
metadataCache: true, // Cache decrypted metadata in memory. Recommended.
connectToSocket: true, // Recommended if you are using the virtual FS class. Keeps the internal item tree up to date with remote changes.
tmpPath: path.join(os.tmpdir(), "filen-sdk") // Temporary local path used to store metadata and chunks. Only available in Node.JS.
await filen.login({
email: "",
password: "supersecret123",
twoFactorCode: "123456" // Can be omitted if you do not have 2FA enabled.