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Mark an upload completed

Marks an upload as completed. Use this after you've uploaded file chunks to the Ingest API.

Request Body REQUIRED
uuid string

the UUID of the uploaded file

name string

the file name (metadata-encrypted using the encryption key)

nameHashed string

the hex-encoded SHA-512 hash of the file name

size string

the file's total size in bytes (metadata-encrypted using the encryption key)

chunks integer

the number of chunks uploaded

mime string

the file's MIME type

rm string

a cryptographically-secure random string of length 32

metadata string

the file's metadata (metadata-encrypted using the master key) following the schema (TypeScript type definition):

name: string, // the file name
size: number, // the file size in bytes
mime: string, // the file's MIME type
key: string, // the key used to encrypt the file chunks
lastModified: number, // the file's modification timestamp in seconds
creation: number, // the file's creation timestamp in seconds
version string

the file encryption version, currently 2

uploadKey string

a cryptographically-secure random string of length 32, which had been passed along with each file chunk



status boolean OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
code string OPTIONAL
chunks number OPTIONAL

the number of chunks uploaded

size number OPTIONAL

the file's total size in bytes