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This guide will walk you through authenticating a user with Filen.

Refer to the official SDK

Everything described here is implemented in our TypeScript SDK, so you can always look at the SDK source if you need more information.

Fetch salt

First, call /v3/auth/info with your user's email to fetch the user's password salt.

Derive key

Use PBKDF2 to derive a key from the raw password, using the fetched salt, 200.000 iterations and a key length of 64. Convert the result to a hex string and split it into two parts of equal length. The first part is the password used for logging in, the second part is the encryption master key (see the Cryptography guide). The login password is then hashed again using SHA-512. This is the corresponding code from the TypeScript SDK:

* Generates/derives the password and master key based on the auth version. Auth Version 1 is deprecated and no longer in use.
* @export
* @async
* @param {{rawPassword: string, authVersion: AuthVersion, salt: string}} param0
* @param {string} param0.rawPassword
* @param {AuthVersion} param0.authVersion
* @param {string} param0.salt
* @returns {Promise<{ derivedMasterKeys: string; derivedPassword: string }>}
export async function generatePasswordAndMasterKeyBasedOnAuthVersion({
}: {
rawPassword: string
authVersion: AuthVersion
salt: string
}): Promise<{ derivedMasterKeys: string; derivedPassword: string }> {
if (authVersion === 1) {
const derivedPassword = await hashPassword({ password: rawPassword })
const derivedMasterKeys = await hashFn({ input: rawPassword })

return {
} else if (authVersion === 2) {
const derivedKey = await deriveKeyFromPassword({
password: rawPassword,
iterations: 200000,
hash: "sha512",
bitLength: 512,
returnHex: true
let derivedPassword = derivedKey.substring(derivedKey.length / 2, derivedKey.length)
const derivedMasterKeys = derivedKey.substring(0, derivedKey.length / 2)

derivedPassword = nodeCrypto.createHash("sha512").update(textEncoder.encode(derivedPassword)).digest("hex")

return {
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid authVersion: ${authVersion}`)

Log in

Then, call /v3/login with the user's email, the derived + hashed password (not the raw password) and the corresponding auth version. Optionally, also pass the user's two-factor authentication code (if the user doesn't use two-factor authentication, pass "XXXXXX" instead). The response will contain the API key and the public/private keys for public-key encryption (the private key is encrypted using the user's master keys).

For API requests that require authentication, pass the API key in the Authorization HTTP header set to Bearer <api_key>.

Fetch all master keys

To fetch all master keys, call /v3/user/masterKeys with the master key metadata-encrypted with itself as the key. Metadata-decrypt the fetched master keys with the master key and split the result at "|" to get the list of all decryption master keys. The reason for multiple master keys is described in the Cryptography guide.

You are now signed in and ready to encrypt and decrypt your traffic!